Mastering Snap Fit Design: A Game-Changer for Small Batch Manufacturing


Hello, innovators! In this post, we’re going to dive into the fascinating world of snap fit design and explore how it’s helping small batch manufacturing for engineers, designers, and founders like you. As your 3D printing supplier, we’re always eager to share tips and tricks to help you optimize your designs for additive manufacturing. So, grab a coffee, and let’s get started!


  1. What is snap fit design, and why should you care?

Snap fit design is an ingenious way to create interlocking parts that can be easily assembled and disassembled without the need for additional hardware or tools. This technique is particularly useful in small batch manufacturing, as it reduces assembly time, lowers production costs, and minimizes the risk of losing tiny components or having to waste tone fastening or gluing parts together. Parts that integrate snap fits look cleaner as they have no visible fasteners on the outside.

  1. The magic of snap fits for 3D printing

3D printing and snap fit design go together like peas and carrots. By incorporating snap fits into your designs, you can:

  • Consolidate parts: Reduce the number of components in your assembly, making your design more efficient and cost-effective.
  • Streamline production: Reduce assembly time, cut down on manufacturing time and costs and simplify your supply chain.
  • Enhance functionality: Create moving or interchangeable parts, allowing for greater customization and adaptability in your products.
  1. Design tips for successful snap fits

To ensure your snap fit designs function flawlessly, consider these design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) tips:

    • Choose the right materials: Select materials with greater fatigue resistance, such as nylon (PA), thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), or Polypropylene (PP) for creating snap fits.
    • Optimize clearances: Maintain appropriate clearances between interlocking parts to account for tolerances and ensure a smooth fit. For industrial grade 3D printing, consider a tolerance of +/- 0.2 mm when dimensioning features.
    • Test and iterate: Leverage the power of 3D printing to quickly prototype and test your snap fit designs, making iterations as needed.
    • Choose the right orientation: Printed parts are strongest when the stress aligns with layer lines. Keep this in mind when creating your snap fit geometries.
  1. Snap fits in action: Real-world examples

From enclosures and hinges to modular components, snap fit designs are making waves across various industries. Check out these inspiring examples of snap fits in small batch manufacturing.

  • Food containers
  • Keyboard keys
  • Buckles
  • Soft drink takeout cup lids
  • Electronics enclosures
  • LEGO blocks
  1. What types of snap fit designs exist?

Snap fit connections come in various types, each suited to different applications and requirements. Here are some of the most common types of snap fit connections used in design and manufacturing, we hope these can inspire your design journey:

  1. Cantilever snap
  • A simple beam-like structure that deflects during engagement and snaps back into place to secure the parts.
  • Cantilever snaps are easy to design and manufacture but may not be suitable for high-force applications, part geometric constraints or the chosen 3D printing orientation.
  • Examples include side-snap and center-snap variations. These can also be U-shaped or L-shaped.
  1. Torsional snap
  • Similar to cantilever snaps, torsional snaps deflect along their length but also see-saws about a central pivot point.
  • This design allows for a lower insertion force and better retention compared to cantilever snaps.
  • Torsional snaps allow for easier disassembly as you can act on an opposing end to free the snap fit connection.
  1. Annular snap
  • A full-circle snap fit that provides uniform retention force around the mating part.
  • Annular snaps are ideal for securing cylindrical or round components, such as shafts, bearings, or tubes.
  • They can be designed as internal or external snaps, depending on the application.
  1. Ball and socket snap
  • Consists of a spherical protrusion (ball) that snaps into a corresponding recess (socket).
  • This design allows for some misalignment and flexibility in the connection, making it suitable for applications where precise alignment is challenging.
  • Ball and socket snaps are often used in modular or interchangeable components.
  1. Hook snap
  • Features a hook-like structure that engages with a corresponding edge or recess on the mating part.
  • Hook snaps provide strong retention forces and are suitable for applications where disassembly is not required.
  • Examples include barb-shaped hooks and reversible hooks for removable connections.
  1. Lance snap
  • A thin, flexible finger that deflects during engagement and snaps back into place to secure the parts.
  • Lance snaps are typically used for securing thin-walled components or for applications where space is limited.
  • They are often integrated into the design of electrical connectors or housing assemblies.
  1. Compliant beam snap
  • Consists of multiple flexible beams that deflect during engagement and provide a secure fit with the mating part.
  • Compliant beam snaps offer high retention forces and are suitable for applications where vibration or shock may be present.
  • Examples include multi-beam snaps and compliant pin snaps.

Each type of snap fit connection has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of snap fit will depend on the specific requirements of your application. Consider factors such as material properties, retention force, insertion force, and the need for disassembly when selecting the appropriate snap fit design for your project.

Environmental conditions, fatigue, creep, and stress concentrations can significantly impact the performance and longevity of snap fit connections. Understanding these factors is crucial for designing robust and reliable snap fits for your applications. Let’s elaborate on each of these aspects:

  1. Environmental conditions
  • Temperature: Extreme temperatures can affect the material properties of snap fits, altering their flexibility, strength, and retention force. High temperatures may cause the material to soften, leading to reduced retention force or even failure. Conversely, low temperatures can make the material more brittle, increasing the risk of fracture.
  • Humidity: Moisture absorption can affect the dimensional stability and mechanical properties of some materials, such as nylon (PA), leading to changes in the performance of snap fits.
  • Chemical exposure: Exposure to chemicals, solvents, or other harsh substances can degrade the material, compromising the strength and integrity of snap fits.
  • UV radiation: Prolonged exposure to UV radiation can cause some materials to become brittle or reduce their strength, potentially affecting the performance of snap fits.
  1. Fatigue
  • Cyclic loading: Snap fits subjected to repeated assembly and disassembly or dynamic loading may experience fatigue, leading to a decrease in retention force or even failure over time.
  • Material properties: The fatigue life of a snap fit depends on the material’s fatigue strength and endurance limit. Some polymers have a well-defined endurance limit, while others do not.
  • Design considerations: To minimize fatigue, avoid sharp corners or notches in the snap fit design, as these can act as stress concentrators and initiate cracks.
  1. Creep
  • Long-term loading: Creep is the tendency of a material to deform permanently under constant stress over an extended period. In the context of snap fits, creep can lead to a loss of retention force or relaxation of the snap fit connection.
  • Material properties: The rate of creep depends on the material, applied stress, temperature, and time. Some materials are more susceptible to creep than others.
  • Design considerations: To minimize creep, avoid designing snap fits that rely on constant high stress to maintain retention force. Instead, opt for designs that allow for some relaxation without compromising the connection.
  1. Stress concentrations
  • Geometric discontinuities: Sharp corners, notches, or other geometric discontinuities in the snap fit design can act as stress concentrators, leading to localized high-stress areas.
  • Initiation of cracks: Stress concentrations can initiate cracks, which may propagate and ultimately lead to the failure of the snap fit connection.
  • Design considerations: To minimize stress concentrations, incorporate generous radii or fillets in the snap fit design, and avoid sharp internal corners or notches. Additionally, ensure that the snap fit is designed to distribute stress evenly across its structure.

Mitigation strategies

To mitigate the impacts of environmental conditions, fatigue, creep, and stress concentrations on snap fits, consider the following strategies:

  • Select materials with appropriate properties for the intended application and environmental conditions.
  • Conduct thorough testing and validation of snap fit designs under various conditions to ensure their performance and reliability.
  • Incorporate safety factors and redundancies in the design to account for potential degradation or failure.
  • Monitor snap fit connections during their service life and replace or maintain them as needed.

By understanding and addressing these factors, you can design more durable and reliable snap fit connections for your applications.

Further reading and references

  1. Budinski, K. G., & Budinski, M. K. (2016). Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection. CRC Press.
  2. Messler, R. W. (2004). Snap-Fit Joints in Plastic Assemblies. Hanser Gardner Publications.
  3. Shigley, J. E., & Mischke, C. R. (2001). Mechanical Engineering Design. McGraw-Hill.

These resources provide in-depth information on material properties, snap fit design, and the effects of environmental conditions, fatigue, creep, and stress concentrations on engineering components.


Snap fit design is an incredible asset for engineers, designers, and founders looking to optimize their products for small batch manufacturing. By embracing this technique and partnering with a reliable 3D printing supplier like UCrea, you can unlock new possibilities in design, reduce production costs, and accelerate your time to market.

Next steps

Ready to revolutionize your designs with snap fits? Contact us today to learn more about our 3D printing services and how we can support your small batch manufacturing needs. We’d love to hear from you!

Happy designing, and until next time, keep pushing the boundaries of innovation!