In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Elections Canada faced an unexpected challenge. They had received a series of disinfectant alcohol bottles from a large bottling company, but none of the standard pumps fit the unique bottle openings. Facing the prospect of disposing of these much-needed supplies, Elections Canada turned to our 3D printing services for a sustainable and innovative solution.


Elections Canada, the agency responsible for conducting federal elections and referendums in Canada, was preparing to hold safe and hygienic elections during the pandemic. As part of their efforts to maintain clean and sanitary polling stations, they procured a large quantity of disinfectant alcohol from a large bottling company. However, the bottles arrived with non-standard openings, rendering typical pumps unusable and putting Elections Canada in a difficult position.


Elections Canada was confronted with three major issues:

  1. Waste reduction: Disposing of the unusable disinfectant bottles would have a significant environmental impact, contributing to waste and negating the agency’s commitment to sustainability.
  2. Cost reduction: Safely disposing of large quantities of alcohol is costly as they must be disposed in special facilities.
  3. Time constraints: With elections fast approaching, Elections Canada needed a quick and effective solution to make use of the disinfectant bottles at their offices and polling stations.


Elections Canada reached out to our 3D printing services to find a solution to their unique challenge. Our team of experienced designers and engineers swiftly developed a custom adapter that would allow standard pumps to be used with the provided bottles. Elections Canada provided some sample bottles to our team so we would be equiped to quickly iterate on the product.


  1. Consultation: We began by understanding the specific dimensions and requirements of both their bottle openings and the standard pumps.
  2. Design: Our design team created a custom adapter using 3D modeling software, ensuring a perfect fit for both components.
  3. Prototyping: Leveraging our state-of-the-art 3D printing technology, we quickly produced prototypes of the adapter for testing and validation.
  4. Iteration: Based on testing and feedback from Elections Canada, we made minor adjustments to the design to ensure optimal performance and ease of use.
  5. Production: Once the final design was approved, we manufactured the adapters in bulk using polypropylene (PP plastic), a durable, food-grade material suitable for handling disinfectant alcohol.

Materials and Technology

  • Material: Food-grade polypropylene (PP) filament was chosen for its durability, chemical resistance, and suitability for use with disinfectant alcohol.
  • Technology: Our Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing technology was employed for its ability to produce functional, high-quality parts quickly and cost-effectively.


Our custom 3D-printed adapters provided Elections Canada with numerous benefits:

  1. Waste reduction: By enabling the use of the disinfectant bottles, our solution prevented unnecessary waste and promoted environmental sustainability.
  2. Cost savings: Elections Canada avoided the expense of procuring new disinfectant supplies compatible with standard pumps and the cost of disposing of the old bottles.
  3. Time efficiency: Our quick turnaround time ensured that Elections Canada had the adapters in hand well ahead of the elections, allowing them to focus on other critical preparations.
  4. Improved hygiene: With the adapters in place, Elections Canada could maintain clean and sanitary polling stations, safeguarding the health of voters and election workers.

We had UCrea print a 3D component that had to be compatible with one of our existing products and the whole experience was smooth! Parts came out really nice and to specifications. Ethienne was a pleasure to speak with regarding choosing the appropriate material and responding to our questions. Highly recommend!

Philip, Procurement at Elections Canada


Our collaboration with Elections Canada demonstrates the power of 3D printing to deliver innovative, sustainable, and time-efficient solutions tailored to unique challenges. By designing and manufacturing custom adapters, we empowered Elections Canada to reduce waste, save costs, and maintain hygienic polling stations during the pandemic.

What’s next?

Is your organization facing a unique challenge that could be solved with a custom 3D printing solution? Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you overcome obstacles, reduce waste, and achieve your sustainability goals: – Together, we can innovate for a better future.